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Customer Service Guide

Black Customer Service Agent
Malawi Customer Service Guide

Hello, on this page you will find out exactly how to handle your customers and we will also give you reasons on why you must treat your customers with respect even if they don’t show your or your employees any, an old quote goes like this, “The customer is always right” and it holds truth to this day and beyond, trust us on this one.

No matter the size of your business, excellent customer service should be at the heart of your business model. Although it can take extra resources, time and money, excellent customer service can generate positive word-of-mouth for your business, keep your customers happy and encourage them to purchase from your business again. Good customer service can help your business grow and prosper.

It can help you:

Excellent customer service is about:

If you have a physical, bricks and mortar business, here are some tips for developing good customer relationships:

If you run an online business, or interact with customers over the phone or email, here are some tips for developing good customer relationships:

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