Keep Your Workplace Clean, Healthy and Safe

Hello, on this page you will find out exactly how to keep your workplace clean, healthy and safe for customers and employees.
Creating a safe work environment is critical to the success of your business, and is one of the best ways to retain staff and maximize productivity. Though it may cost to implement safe practices and install safety equipment, the effect of not taking action can be severe.
As a business owner you have responsibilities regarding health and safety in your workplace. You need to ensure that your business doesn’t create health and safety problems for your employees, customers or the public.
Knowing and understanding the Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) laws, will help you avoid unnecessary costs and damage to your business caused by workplace injury and illness. It will also provide your business with a strong foundation to achieve long-term success.
If you want to reduce health and safety hazards in your workplace but don’t know where to begin, there are simple steps that will allow you to concentrate your efforts as well as help your business to be prepared in all situations.
Having the right attitude towards the safety of your workers, contractors, customers and the public is an important first step. Workplace health & safety (WHS) shouldn’t be seen as an additional cost – it’s better to deal with health and safety issues before they escalate.
Your Workplace Health and Safety obligations
Under work health and safety (WHS) legislation you are obliged to provide:
- Safe premises.
- Safe machinery and materials.
- Safe systems of work.
- Information, instruction, training and supervision.
- A suitable working environment and facilities.
Complying with these duties can prevent you from being prosecuted and fined, and help you to retain skilled staff.
- Official List of Malawi Cabinet Ministers - October 27, 2014
- Closing Your Business - September 18, 2014
- Keep Your Workplace Clean, Healthy and Safe - August 8, 2014