Malawi Mental Health Care Service Providers
Hello everyone, we have compiled a list of professional Malawi mental health care providers that can assist you with anything relating to mental health. Whether this is for you, a friend, a family member or if you generally know someone who needs help from a mental health specialist, this list will guide you in the right direction.
As some of you might know, Malawi is in a full blown mental health crisis, I could argue the entire African continent is and I could further argue that black people in general are the most affected whether it be related to the way society treats us with the police killings in America, Europe, Asia etc or to the economical struggles that leak into every other aspect of our lives including relationships with partners or with our own children and family members, bullying, drug addiction including alcohol addiction, verbal/physical abuse and so on, the list is literally endless. We then have the increasing suicide rates among men of all ages in Malawi, which is not only sad but actually preventable, as are all the examples I mentioned. People need help, someone to guide and advice them through their depression or mental condition whether it be with medication, therapy, or both. With that said, if you want us to add, update or remove certain information on this page, simply contact us or leave a comment below.
List of Malawi Mental Health Providers
Mzuzu Mental Health Services (Northern Region)
- St. John of God Hospital: (265) 1 311690 or (265) 1 311495
Lilongwe Mental Health Services (Central Region)
- St. John Of God Hospital (Area 43, Off Ufulu Road, next to Emmanuel Teachers Training College): 0992 460 253 or 992 460 254
- Aegis Room – Tamanda Msasata: 0999 419 898 or [email protected]
- Irene Hora, Chief Consultant Integrated Professional Counseling and Advisory Limited: 0992 598 595
- Limbika Maliwichi (Clinical psychologist): 0993662154
- Chilungamo M’manga (psychologist): 0995 912 585
- Elizabeth Nkhonjera: 0996 293 804
- Guidance and Counseling Association Of Malawi (GCAM): 0995 142 328 or 0888 448 108
- Suicide Prevention Group Mponela: 0888 114 626 or 0999 299 770 or 0884 467 846
- Likuni Hospital: 0996 383 202 or 0 992 556138
- Phunzi counselling (Area 18): 0999365871
- Prime Health: 0995 482 905
- Harm Reduction Awareness Counselling and Testing Services: 0999 317 529
- Friends Of Hope 0994781044
- Youth wave: 0212 228 0498 or 0999 204 068
- He Matters Foundation: 0997 071 657
- Joseph Majid Lungu (psychotherapist) Lighthouse KCH, Lilongwe: 0888 378 035
- Moses Kachingwe: 0881 569 863 or 0997 542 704
Blantyre Mental Health Services (Southern Region)
- Zomba Mental Hospital: 01 526 266
- Blantyre Counselling and Therapies Centre: 0996 299 888
- Accord Cognitive Counselling Services (Behind ADRA in Blantyre): 0882 431 111
- Vintage Health Wellness Centre (Namiwawa): 0995 260 153 or 0883 859 724
- College Of Medicine: 265 1 871 911 or 265 1 877 245 or 265 1 872 291
- Dr. Chiwoza Bandawe: 0999 841 093
- Dr. Precious Makiyi Child & Adolescent Mental Professional: 0999 426 368
- Prism Counselling & Consultancy: 0998 933 273
- The Haven Counselling and Consultancy Center – Julie Soko Zomba: 0995 147 290
- Tilinao Lamba (counsellor) 0885795906
- Mrs Mkolosia(counsellor) 0993110993
- Prism Counselling & Consultancy Zomba: 0998 419 737
- Dr Alli Makalani: 0888 611 127
NOTE: If you need to contact other emergency services, check out our emergency numbers page, you can also read our article about how to improve Mental health services in Malawi.
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